In general, just 20% of the activities you spend your time on yield 80% of the results you want to achieve. This principle applies to almost all situations in which you have to spend your time to do things – whether at work, at home, in your relationships, etc.
You must take a fair and honest look at how you use your time before you can make some kind of strategic work. The challenge lies in the main stages of assessment and preparation for people dealing with time management. Begin your evaluation with the following steps:
Hоw уоu сurrеntlу use уоur time
You can identify attitudes, habits and competencies that affect your productivity both negatively and positively. What are you doing most of the day? How far are you every day from the daily to-do list?
Personal productivity trend
What segments of the day have the highest energy levels? What are your personal habits for changing your plans for the day?
Where do you get the most interruptions during the day? How much, and from whom, do you receive interruptions?
Idеntіfуіng tор tasks that ѕuрроrt goals
Some people prefer to follow the theory of squeezing:
They lock in all they can – and then some. These people end up almost always wretched because they try so hard that they are not taking care of their basic needs and end up being spread out in every way possible. As a consequence of its ever-growing fatigue, the nature of what they do and the quantity suffer.
In order to function effectively, you must define your 80% performance.
See the top twelve priorities carefully and define the activities to achieve these objectives. If for example, your number one aim is to give your children business education, for example. Your goals will be less likely to concentrate on taking your holidays and are more likely to focus on wisely investing and inspiring your offspring to be a successful student.
Once you have identified what to do, take a little more time in self-reflection to verify that your priorities and relevant activities have been correctly identified. The change of course, expectations, objectives and deadlines is one of the greatest waste of time for people. The direct path from A to B is followed by successful people and successful time managers.
Ask yourself:
- How long are you spending on these activities? 20%? More? Less?
- What do you do for the rest of the time?
- How much return do you get for the remaining investment?
Once you have identified the tasks and activities you need to perform to accomplish your goals, give them a value to get the task list organized.
Take these steps to customize how you set your expectations at work:
- See your job priorities for a long-term.
- Want to progress to a certain career stage?
- Want a specific income to be achieved? Or is it your goal, before seeking your next destination, to fine-tune your skill?
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